martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Holidays in Other Countries

How and why English was used on these sites? What did you learn from them?

I think that the reason that English was used on these sites is because is a language that the majority of population in the world understand and has a easy access. 

I have learned that, for example, Peruvian families go to mass at 10:00 pm on the 24th,  so dinner is served at midnight, which is almost the same here in Colombia. I also learned how important is water on Thai culture and how do they enjoy New Year. Also,  it caught me by surprise that their New Year is on April and instead ours is on December; that really fascinated me.   

Each country have their own traditions and beliefs, and they make these part of their daily life. Traditions are important to the world. 

Personal Culture

How have either a sport, hobby, or music shaped your own personal culture? Give details to support your ideas.

Personally, music is the one that have 'shape' my culture. Since I was a little girl, music has been an important part of me because I sing. I always have sing. This, has been helpful and a personal therapy to me whenever I feel lost, depressed, sad, or why not? Happy or lively. 
I believe that music is an important part of all of us, and a think that bind us together, because EVERYONE needs music in their life. 
I don't have and specific gender or type, but if I had to say who my favorite singer is, I would tell you "Bruno Mars". I really love his music and he's a really great singer. 

Economic Empowerment for Women

I would lend money to Ericka Patricia, because she seems like a hard worker woman and her incomes have shown it. She has a plan and she knows how to apply it. Her ideas are really good and organized  and I believe that she can achieve her purpose.

martes, 2 de abril de 2013

After reading...

Kenyan Matatu Drivers


1. How are matatu drivers treated in his experience with the BBC? 
2. Do Barranquilleros have the same negative opinion of mototaxistas as the Kenyans have of matatu drivers?


1. The treat that matatu drivers received in his experience with the BBC, was really bad. The police, and also Kenyans guys, were the ones that made the waited day a bad day. This because the police stopped several times the matatu drivers and were rude with them, only to get money for their pockets; and Kenyans guys because they confused the interview with some kind of "dirty business" where for them, the BBC people wanted to take pictures of them and then, sell it in their country, in which, they were wrong and of course, the matatu drivers felt hurt because of this accusation. 

2. Barranquilleros do have negative opinions of mototaxistas, because they think that they are all thieves and rule breakers. But in comparison with Kenyans, the police here isn't as bad and rude as it is with matatu drivers. 

martes, 12 de marzo de 2013

After watching...


The skin color is relative, it does not define who you are; but sadly, in this time and in this country it totally the opposite. 
Afro people are discriminated and exempted from the society, making that 76% of them live in poverty, 42% are unemployed and only 2 out of 100 young go to college. This statistics shows that Afrocolombian people have no opportunity to  excel because of the discrimination and the racism that exists in Colombia, and how, sadly, this people represent an inferior role in the country.

Fortunately, there are people that recognize this fact and want to help, like the Observatorio de Discriminación Racial, who research and discuss the practices of the racism and develop ways against it. Also, there are people who make campaigns and protest against the racism, achieving that more people unite to this noble cause and leaving this problem to the past. If each and every one of Colombians realize that we are equal and that the skin is just a color, we'll be a better country with opportunities for everybody. 

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013


Favorite Carnival Moments

The carnival for me this year was super relax and calm. I didn't go out to any parade, I just stayed in my peaceful home; that because my family didn't want to get crazy about the carnivals and we prefer to stayed together, in family,  in our home.

But Monday, I went out with my mother and my sister to a friend's cottage in Turipana and we spend incredible and funny time together. Those were my calm carnivals.

After watching...

Tinariwen’s Iswegh Attay Video


1. What do we learn about Tuareg culture from this video? 

2. Keeping in mind what you learned from this interview, how does seeing the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture?` 



1. By watching this video, we can learned and infer that the Tuareg culture is very attached to their traditions and also, they are very spiritual and ritualistic people. Only with the fact that they prepare the tea in that way they shows us that, in addition, they're very meticulous.

2. Seeing the visual the visuals within the video and knowing the meaning of the lyrics give us a deeper understanding of Tuareg culture because it show to us the different colors, the people behavior, etc. Also, by seeing this, we learned about their culture, their traditions and the meaning that has to them, and the combination of sound and images give us an idea of what we can find if we go to this place.

domingo, 3 de febrero de 2013

After reading...

Barranquilla being the Cultural Capital of 2013


1. Why was Barranquilla chosen? 

2. Will Barranquilla receive any of the economic benefits Liverpool hoped to from being named a cultural capital?


1. Barranquilla was chosen Cultural Capital from five candidates thanks for its strong determination to make culture a strategic element of social cohesion, civic revitalization, economic development and international projection. Also, for the positivism that has its people.

2. By naming Barranquilla as the American Capital of Culture, this will promote the city internationally through agreements that the bureau has with different channels, like "Antena 3" of Spain and Discovery Networks Latin America; and by doing this, our city will grow like a touristic destination, which will benefit the city's economy.

martes, 29 de enero de 2013

After reading...

"Two Worlds Collide" by Matt Mulka.

1. What different points of view do we see in this story? 

2. Explain the reasons behind the miscommunication that occurred between these two men.


1. There's two incredible points of view; first we have the white man, a well-off person who thinks that he can treat black man the way he wants and without any caring of the feelings of this man, who of course is hurt but he cannot express the way he feels because he could lose his job because the white man has no consideration of his situation and the way the black man struggles to put food in his mouth, even thought he's conscious of the situation.
And by the other hand, we have the black man, a hard worker guy who has to follow the orders of the despicable white man because it's the only way he knows to make money, which is only enough for the food, but unfortunately he has to stick to that because it's the only way to look after his daughter.


2. Like Matt Mulka says, 'these men are separated by class, by education, by language, and by culture'. 
I think the white man is so locked in his contemporary and perfect world, that he does not bother to ask what needs black man could have and maybe do something to help him, instead of sitting there waiting for the moment when the black man do something really bad to fire him and finally "find his peace".


lunes, 28 de enero de 2013

Hi everyone! I'm new here so I'm gonna introduce myself. My name is Daniela, but you can call me Danielle. I'm sixteen, I'm from Barranquilla, Colombia and I'd live all my life here. I love the music, listening, singing; the lyrics inspires me to believe in love, and how beautiful life can be, but of course with a sprinkle of truth. Also, I love to eat and sleep :) I would really love to travel around the world and interact with the different cultures because I know it'll change the way I think. That's all, so, goodbye!